Tarjoan ammattitanssijoille ja tanssin ammattiin opiskeleville 25% alennusta kaikista kranio-sakraaliterapiahoidoistani koko tammikuun ajan. Tarjous on voimassa 31.1.2019 saakka.
vauvoille ilmaista hoitoa!
Tammikuusta 2017 lähtien tarjoan alle vuoden ikäisille vauvoille ilmaista kranio-sakraaliterapia hoitoa jokaista vauvan vanhemman itselleen ostamaa hoitoa vastaan. Tällä pyrin siihen, että vauvan vanhemmat ymmärtävät millaista hoitoa vauva saa. Yritän […]
Energia kädet-kurssi, Varjakka 1.10.2016
Järjestin ensimmäinen Energia Kädet-kurssin Varjakassa kesäkuun alussa. Kurssi onnistui oikein mukavasti ja innostuin siitä niin paljon, että olen päättänyt kokeilla säännöllisten kurssien vetämistä. Seuraava kurssi pidetään siis jo lokakuun alussa. Kurssin […]
skin deep
Since I was 13 years old I have suffered from eczema. It started from my hands and it gradually expanded, covering most of my body by the time I was 18. […]
deep vibrations
Today I attended a singing bowl massage for the first time in my life. I have previously heard about the practice and I have been curious to try it out […]
busy weekend
Last weekend, I attended the Ilon Valkeat event in Oulu, Northern Finland. This is a bi-annual wellbeing event that offers lectures and workshops covering a range of ’new age’ practices, as well […]
fearing change
It has been nearly nine months since I moved back to Finland after living in the UK for 18 years – the previous 11 years were spent in Wales. I […]
shaking tensions off
Yesterday I attended a TRE (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) course by Niina Ailovuo (Sielunliike) at Joogastudio Oulu, in Northern Finland. TRE® (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) has been developed […]
powerful touch
Touch is a subject that I have been interested through my work as a dance artist and as a therapist. Touch is powerful. It is considered the deepest form of […]
sleeping beauty
I am pretty sure all of us have suffered from lack of or disturbed sleep sometimes. There have been times in life – like when children were young and woke […]